-Causes of bipolar disorders and the progression of the condition. The cause of the bipolar disorder is largely unclear. However, genetic, environmental factors, as well as neurochemical interactions, may play a critical role in the onset and progression of the condition.

-Causes of bipolar disorders and the progression of the condition. The cause of the bipolar disorder is largely unclear. However, genetic, environmental factors, as well as neurochemical interactions, may play a critical role in the onset and progression of the condition.

-Types of treatment approaches. The treatment approaches include lifestyle management, education on management of symptoms, psychotherapy, and medications as well as support by the primary caregiver.

-Bipolar disorders in relation to the appropriateness of the treatment approach. There are different treatment approaches for managing the condition. Psychoanalysis provides one of the most effective approaches to managing the condition (Müller-Oerlinghausen, Berghöfer, & Bauer, 2002).