Explore how to evaluate the appropriate use of tests for different populations based on scales, norms, and score comparability. You also calculate mean, standard deviation, percentile, z-score, and T-score for a dataset.
Explore how to evaluate the appropriate use of tests for different populations based on scales, norms, and score
comparability. You also calculate mean, standard deviation, percentile, z-score, and T-score for a dataset.
One of the most useful qualities of a well-designed test is that it allows you to compare an individual to a
population. For instance, when you took the SAT, you found your percentile relative to other college-bound high
school seniors. A test of depression could show how an examinee’s depression compares to the general U.S. population,
to mental health outpatients, or to persons diagnosed with major depressive disorder. A test of job aptitude could
compare a job applicant to successful and unsuccessful job candidates.
explore how to evaluate the appropriate use of tests for different populations based on scales, norms, and score
comparability. You also calculate mean, standard deviation, percentile, z-score, and T-score for a dataset.
•Evaluate appropriateness of tests in terms of scales, norms, and score comparability for different populations
•Calculate mean, standard deviation, percentile, z-score, and T-score