examine the consequences of alcohol use on the individual and community

examine the consequences of alcohol use on the individual and community


drug use- effects on relationships- effects on community- marketing strategies and the media- influences on alcohol use and binge drinking- influences on cannabis use- polydrug use- other illicit drugs eg opiates, hallucinogens, psychostimulants- consequences of illicit and unsanctioned drug use
 examine the consequences of alcohol use on the individual and community investigate marketing strategies and media influences associated with tobacco and alcohol describe the short term effects and long term consequences of illicit drug use on the individual and community
Drugs – classification of drugs – depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens – examples of each. Influences on tobacco use, Influences on cannabis useDrug marketing strategies and the mediaDrug use statistics
• influences on health decisions and risk behaviours- individual factors eg values and attitudes – sociocultural factors eg family, peers, gender, culture- political factors eg laws and regulations- economic factors eg personal and community- environmental factors eg pollution weather built environment
Analyse the range of influences that impact on an individual’s ability to behave in a healthy and safe way in relation to drug use.
• recognise that health decisions and risks behaviours are not simply an individualresponsibility but are shaped by a range of influences• analyse the range of influences that impact on an individual’s ability to behave in healthy and safe ways in relation to:  mental health healthy food habits drug use sexual health road use personal safety physical activity accessing support services