Applying a theoretical understanding of legal principles to the role and responsibility of a student of nursing and/or midwifery

Applying a theoretical understanding of legal principles to the role and responsibility of a student of nursing and/or midwifery
Order Instructions

The goal of this assessment is to apply a theoretical understanding of legal principles to the role and responsibility of a student of nursing and/or midwifery.

The reflection allows you to apply this learning in your clinical placements and future career.

Product: Written responses
Format: The responses to set case studies and reflection on these will be completed in 2000 words and should address the following:

• Discuss the legal theory and legislation relevant to the role and responsibility of a student nurse/midwife

• Use relevant literature to support the discussion

• Reflect on your experience related to the legal and ethical requirements for student nurses

• Apply theoretical knowledge to support conclusions


Provide evidence of:

• An understanding of key legislation relevant to practice

• Comprehensive analysis and
• explanation of conclusions made for set questions

• of reflection on the set questions and clinical practice/experience

• of references used to support the discussion

• of communication including:

Structure/clarity of information and application of consistent referencing style